Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hips & Lips

This coming from a kindergartener was quite amusing. Last week Ashlyn told me that her name got put into the "good news" bucket for hips and lips. What? She told me that when they walk down the hall, they put one finger over their lips and their other hand on their hips. Knowing Ashlyn, I am sure she does this quite well and probably even looks forward to it.

Last night, she drew a picture of herself doing the hips and lips and I wanted to use my bragging rights and show it to you.

Isn't that cute?! She took it to her teacher today but I hope to get it back eventually. Please note: my daughter does not get ANY of this talent from her mama but her daddy and his family are extremely talented when it comes to drawing, painting, etc. Yesterday she went to the book store with her Nana and Pop and chose a drawing book as her one thing to get. She sat in bed and drew her heart out last night.

One more Ashlyn story to share from her music teacher. Every Tuesday I ask Ms. Hoffman how Ashlyn was - one day she cried when she got chosen to do something but she must have been in the game today because she sang a Halloween song, that her Aunt Patty made up, in front of her class. Ms. Hoffman told her it was good but Ashlyn told her she wasn't finished and then went on to sing the rest. Then, she wanted the class to sing it and Ms. Hoffman told her that they might not know it yet. Ashlyn said (with a sassy- but not disrespectful - attitude I'm sure) - I sang it twice. I see teaching in her future...

That's my blog and I am sticking to it! Hope your week is going good and fast. I am looking forward to the cool weather sticking around :)


Allison said...

That picture is adorable...and SO good. Wow! I really might need her to draw something for an invitation. :)

Allison said...

Oh, I just showed the artist of our house, Christopher, and he's highly impressed...

Also, I think it's interesting that she made her hair straight and long!

Stephanie said...

I know - the hair is funny - it's her dream hair. She wants to know if God will give her straight hair one day.

Jana said...

I love the picture. The story is too funny! Have a great week!

babyboybleu said...

I love her...she is sooo darn cute! BTW...I asked God for many years for smaller feet and you know how that turned out;-)