Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today marks just three weeks before it is back to work. I remember thinking at the end of June, wow - it hasn't even been a month yet. And here we are, almost two months into the summer vacation and it's flown by since then. My calendar has been full all summer long. I am thankful for the rain that has slowed me down and allowed me time to focus on my classroom.

Being a teacher has many pre-back-to-school preparations. This year I am moving to a new campus because our school is growing and splitting into three elementary campuses instead of one. Yesterday, I unpacked the 57th and final box from the move - 10 hours into it. Most of the things in boxes had a place to go but some don't because I don't have a teacher desk yet. Hopefully that is coming today. I need to get my area set up. And then there is the issue of a theme. Our hallway theme must consist of "magical" things like castles/dungeons, dragons, knights, etc. This is definitely not me but I will do as told and come up with something. But what?! I am thinking shiny stars or something. Many people on my hallway have done a fabulous job and I am inspired with their creatvity, just can't find my own.

Today my goal is to cover the bulletin boards, hang posters, attach locker tags, folder labels, find more textbooks and organize the closet shelves. My biggest concern is the randomness I am facing. All of the cabinets and shelving in my room are red - and there is a lot of it. I am bringing over a lot of things that are lime green and pink. I am teaching Social Studies and have a wooden flag to hang. How on Earth am I going to bring together red, white, blue, lime green and hot pink?! OMG.

Mardel, can you help me pull all of this together because I am heading your way. And, I hope you are having a sale.

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